Google Chat notifications
To receive notifications when users ask, answer a question or comment on a question, please follow these steps:
1. Create Webhook
Open Google Chat, choose a room you want to receive notifications, click on room’s name to open a dropdown menu --> click on Manage webhooks
The Incoming Webhooks dialog will be opened. You can enter your Incoming Webhook name and the Avatar Url for your Incoming Webhook.
Click Save and you will see your Incoming Webhook URL. Copy this URL and go to next step.
2. Add subscription to get notifications
Log in to your Confluence, go to a space which you want to get notifications. Go to Space Settings --> click on Content Tools tab --> click on Questions & Answers tab. At this tab, you can click on Google Chat tab --> click Add button to add subscription for this space
In the Add a Google Chat subscription dialog, you can input your Webhook URL which you created in previous step. You can choose which activities you want to subscribe.
Click Save.
Congratulations! Google Chat notifications has been set up successfully and you will receive notifications in your Google Chat rooms.