IP Geolocation API

IP Geolocation API

IP geolocation api helps to locate and identify website visitors by IP address. In Page View for Confluence, we use https://reallyfreegeoip.org/json/ as default API to get users geolocation. You can use other providers, for example: https://freegeoip.app/ , https://ipstack.com/, ...

When using other providers, you need to make sure the API of them return a JSON with this structure: 

  "ip": "",
  "country_code": "USA",
  "country_name": "USA",
  "region_code": "SF",
  "region_name": "San Francisco",
  "city": "San Francisco City",
  "latitude": 10.8142,
  "longitude": 106.6438

For examle, if you use ipstack.com, simply input http://api.ipstack.com/check? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY to the text box.

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